Type brew search for a list. Or visit formulae.brew.sh to browse packages online. Or use brew search -desc to browse packages from the command line. More Documentation. Brew help, man brew or check our documentation. First, please run brew update and brew doctor. Second, read the Troubleshooting Checklist. Download and install Docker Community Edition. If you have Homebrew-Cask, just type brew cask install docker. Or Download and install Docker Toolbox. Docker For Mac is nice, but it's not quite as finished as the VirtualBox install. See the comparison. NOTE Docker Toolbox is legacy. You should to use Docker Community Edition, See Docker Toolbox. Docker pull microsoft/mssql-server-windows-developer If you are following along step by step, brew up some tea or coffee and sit back, because this might take a while to complete. Not only is it downloading that image, but it is also downloading all the dependencies as well. Build performed in parallel, so, it is highly recommended to not use npm task per platform (e.g. Npm run dist:mac && npm run dist:win32), but specify multiple platforms/targets in one build command. Brew install wp-cli Here’s the formula. Top ↑ Installing via Docker # Installing via Docker. The Docker community maintains WordPress and WP-CLI images. To include the WP-CLI image in your own project: image: wordpress:cli Top ↑ Installing on Windows # Installing on Windows. Install via composer as described above or use the following method.
You can install the CLI with a curl
utility script, brew
or by downloading the binary from the releases page. Once installed you'll get the faas-cli
command and faas
Linux or macOS¶
Utility script with curl
The flag -E
allows for any http_proxy
environmental variables to be passed through to the installation bash script.
Non-root with curl downloads the binary into your current directory and will then print installation instructions:
Via brew:
The brew
release may not run the latest minor release but is updated regularly.
In PowerShell:
Environment variable overrides¶

Several overrides exist which will be used by default if set and no other command-line flag has been set.
- to set the default URL to pull templates fromOPENFAAS_PREFIX
- for use withfaas-cli new
- this can act in place of--prefix
- to override the default gateway URL
Running faas-cli
with sudo¶
If you're running the faas-cli with sudo
we recommend using sudo -E
to pass through any environmental variables you may have configured such as a http_proxy
, https_proxy
or no_proxy
Brew Docker Daemon
Docker image¶
The faas-cli
is also available as a Docker image making it convenient for use in CI jobs such as with a Jenkins pipeline or a task in cron.
There is no 'latest' tag, so find the version of the CLI you want to use from the tags page on the Docker Hub. These correspond to the release from GitHub.
Note: the Docker image cannot be used to perform a build directly, but you can use it to generate a build context which can be used with a container builder such as Docker, buildkit or Kaniko in another part of your build pipeline.
Brew Doctor Tea
Use-cases for the Docker image:
- Generate the build context without running
docker build
-faas-cli --shrinkwrap
- Deploy an existing image to a remote server
faas-cli deploy
- Manage secrets with
faas-cli secret
- Invoke functions via cron with
faas-cli invoke
- Check the health of your remote gateway with
faas-cli info
Building from source¶
The contributing guide has instructions for building from source and for configuring a Golang development environment.
- Star/fork on GitHub: faas-cli
Tutorial: learn how to use the CLI¶