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The Definitive Source for Everything CAC

Common Access Card help for your

Personal Computer


There are a lot of acronyms mentioned in this website, and you might not know what they stand for. I've attempted to consolidate all of them on this page for you.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y

AAFESArmy and Air Force Exchange Service (manages the Army PX and Air Force BX)
ACERTArmy Computer Emergency Response Team
ACRONYMArmy Confusion Regarding Official Names You Makeup (this is a joke) :)
AESD-KArmy Enterprise Service Desk - Korea (supports Korea)
AESD-PArmy Enterprise Service Desk - Pacific (supports Hawaii, Alaska, & Japan)
AESD-WArmy Enterprise Service Desk - Worldwide (supports CONUS)
AGMArmy Gold Master
AGRActive Guard Reserve (Full time Soldiers who support Reserve units)
AKAAlso Known As
AKOArmy Knowledge Online
APDArmy Publishing Directorate
ApproveItSoftware program used by the Army to digitally sign forms (replaced by eSign)
ARArmy Regulation
ARMManufacturer of RISC based processor (used in Windows RT devices and future Mac computers)
BootcampA program that lets a Mac user install Windows on a separate partition on their hard drive.
BXBase Exchange (Air Force version of Wal-Mart)
CACCommon Access Card
CACKeyProgram to use CACs with Apple Computers
CAPTCHACompletely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart
CatalinaApple Mac Operating system version 10.15.x
CCIDChip/Smart Card Interface Device
Centrify ExpressProgram by Centrify to use CACs with Apple Computers
CENTRIXSCombined Enterprise Regional Information Exchange System
CHESSComputer Hardware Enterprise Software & Solutions
CIOChief Information Office / Officer
CMDShortcut for Command, typed in Run line to access a DOS looking screen
CompTIAComputing Technology Industry Association
CONUSContinental United States
COSCOMCorps Support Command
CSSI-PIVCharismathics Smart Security Interface - Personal Identity Verification
Program written by Charismathics Software to use CACs with various Operating Systems
.CSVComma Separated Value
CupcakeAndroid 1.5 Operating System (used on Android devices)
CVSContractor Verification System (replaced by TASS)
CW3Chief Warrant Officer Three (Army rank)
DAADesignated Approving Authority
DCODefense Connect Online (Replaced by DCS on 1 June 2015)
DCSDefense Collaboration System (replacement for DCO)
DECCDefense Enterprise Computing Center (server farms where DEE mail is housed
DEERSDefense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System
DISADefense Information Systems Agency
DLADefense Logistics Agency
.DLLDynamic Link Library (files to make other files run
DMDCDefense Manpower Data Center (database used by DoD)
DMGDisk Image file used in Mac OS X (Mac equivalent of .exe used in Windows)
DMZDeMilitarized Zone (a location between firewalls where most web servers are virtually located)
.DOCMicrosoft Word Document extension (used in Word 2003 and older)
.DOCXMicrosoft Word Document extension (used in Word 2007 and newer)
DoDDepartment of Defense
DoD IDDepartment of Defense IDentification number (replaced EDI-PI)
DonutAndroid 1.6 Operating System (used on Android devices)
DOSDisk Operating System (used many years ago prior to Windows)
DTICDefense Technical Information Center
DTSDefense Travel System
Dual Persona

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EAS Exchange Active Sync
EclairAndroid 2.0 - 2.1 Operating System (used on Android devices)
EDI-PIElectronic Data Interchange Personal Identifier (replaced by DoD ID number)
EEmailDoD Enterprise Email
EESEvaluation Entry System (
EFSEncrypted File System
El CapitanApple Mac OS X Operating system version 10.11.x
eSignArmy Forms program (replaced ApproveIt) (replaced by PDF-Fs)
.EXEExecutable File used in Windows
FASCNFederal Agency Smart Credential Number (16 Digit DoD ID number - used for personnel who are dual persona).
FATFile Allocation Table
FIPS Federal Information Processing
FirmwareSoftware program or set of instructions programmed on a hardware device
Froyo (Frozen Yogurt)Android 2.2 - 2.2.3 Operating System (used on Android devices)
G & DGiesecke & Devrient (Manufacturer of Common Access Cards)
G6Army section that supports Information Technology (i.e. computers)
GALGlobal Address List
GemaltoManufacturer of Common Access Cards and older CAC Readers
GDSGlobal Directory Services
GFEGovernment Furnished Equipment (term used for computers owned by the Government)
GIGGlobal Information Grid (military term for the internet)
GingerbreadAndroid 2.3 - 2.3.7 Operating System (used on Android devices)
Google VoiceA voicemail system through Google that gives a lot of cool features
High SierraApple Mac Operating system version 10.13.x
HoneycombAndroid 3.0 - 3.2 Operating System (used on Android tablets only)
HRCHuman Resource Command
HQDAHeadQuarters Department of the Army
HUPHome Use Program (replaced by MSELA)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y

IASOInformation Assurance Security Officer
Ice Cream SandwichAndroid 4.0 - 4.0.4 Operating System (used on Android devices)
IEInternet Explorer
IMAPInternet Messaging Access Protocol (used for retrieving email)
IMOInformation Management Office / Officer
IMRInformation Management Representative
iOSiPhone Operating System (Apples Operating System for mobile devices)
ITInformation Technology
ITAPDBIntegrated Total Army Personnel Data Base
ITRSIndividual Training and Readiness System
Jelly BeanAndroid 4.1 - 4.3 Operating System (used on Android devices)
JPASJoint Personnel Adjudication System
KeychainApples password management system in Mac OS
Kit KatAndroid 4.4 - 4.4.4 Operating System (used on Android devices)
LeopardApple Mac Operating System version 10.5.x
Lotus FormsProgram used by the Army & Air Force to fill out forms
LPSLightweight Portable Security (replaced by TENS)
LTCLieutenant Colonel (Army rank)
LionApple Mac Operating System version 10.7.x
LollipopAndroid 5.0 - 5.1.1 Operating System (used on Android devices)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y

MacShort for Apple Macintosh
macOSApple Macintosh Operating System starting with 10.12
MarshmallowAndroid 6.0 - 6.0.1 Operating System (used on Android devices)
MavericksApple Mac Operating system version 10.9.x
MCXMarine Corps Exchange (Marine Corps version of Wal-Mart)
MiddlewareA program that helps your CAC reader communicate with your
computer's Operating System
MojaveApple Mac Operating system version 10.14.x
Mountain LionApple Mac Operating system version 10.8.x
MSMicrosoft Corporation
.MSCMicrosoft Management Console Snap-in
MSELAMicrosoft Enterprise License Agreement (Formerly MSHUP & HUP)
.MSIMicrosoft Installer File
MSHUPMicrosoft Home Use Program (replaced by Microsoft Enterprise License Agreement)
.MSPMicrosoft installer Patch
MUSCLE Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment
NETCOMNetwork Enterprise Technology Command
NEXNavy Exchange (Navy version of Wal-Mart)
NIPRNetNon-Secure Internet Protocol Routed Network
NKONavy Knowledge Online
NMCINavy Marine Corps Intranet
NougatAndroid 7.0 - 7.1.2 Operating System (used on Android devices)
NTFSNew Technology File System (replaced FAT)
OABOutlook Address Book
OberthurManufacturer of Common Access Cards and some older CAC readers
OpenSCProgram written as part of OpenSC - Project to use CACs with Apple & Windows Computers
OreoAndroid 8.0 -8.1 Operating System (used on Android devices)
OSOperating System
OS XOperating System version 10 (Apple Mac)
OWAOutlook Web Access (Exchange 2003 & 2007)
OWAOutlook Web App (Exchange 2010 & higher)
ParallelsA Virtual Machine program for Mac computers that will allow you to run Windows on a Mac
PCPersonal Computer (usually referencing Windows computers)
PCCPersonnel Category Code
PCSC Personal Computer Smart Card
PDEEProduct Director, Enterprise Email
PDFPortable Document Format (Adobe Reader should be the default program on your computer to be able to sign forms)
PDF-FPortable Document Format - Fillable (Replaced Lotus and eSign)
PieAndroid 9 Operating System (used on Android devices)
PINPersonal Identification Number
PIVPersonal Identity Verification (certificate needed for all Army personnel to access CAC enabled websites, used to only be dual personal users)
PKardProgram written by Thursby Software to use CACs with Mac Computers
PKard for iOSProgram written by Thursby Software to use CACs with iPhones & iPads
PKEPublic Key Enablement
PKIPublic Key Infrastructure
POPPost Office Protocol (used for retrieving email)
PPCPower PC chip (used in older Mac computers-10.5.x and below)
PXPost Exchange (Army version of Wal-Mart)

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QRQuick Response Code
RAPIDSReal-time Automated Personnel IDentification System
.REGRegistry file (used in Microsoft Windows)
RegistryHierarchical database that stores configuration settings and options on MS Windows OS
RISCReduced Instructions Set Computing
RRCRegional Readiness Command
SA/NMCSystem Administrator / Network Manager Security Course
SIPRSecure Internet Protocol - Routed
S/MIMESecure / Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (how your webmail is encrypted)
Sierra macOS 10.12
SmartCard Service Program written to use CACs on Mac computers
SMTPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol (used to send email)
Snow LeopardApple Mac Operating system version 10.6.x
SPAWARNavy's SPAce and Naval WARfare Systems Command
SSDSolid State Drive (no moving parts hard drive, much quicker than regular hard drives)
SSLSecure Sockets Layer
STIGSecurity Technical Implementation Guide
TAPDB-RTotal Army Personnel Database - Reserve
TASSTrusted Associate Sponsorship System (replaced CVS)
TENSTrusted End Node Security (Replaced LPS)
TigerApple Mac Operating system version 10.4.x
TNOSCTheater Network Operations and Security Center
TokenDFile type to aid in using CAC with Mac OS X
URLUniversal Resource Locator (web address)
USBUniversal Serial Bus
USMCUnited States Marine Corps

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y

VistaWindows Operating System (between XP and 7)
Virtual BoxA Virtual Machine program for Mac computers that will allow you to run Windows on your Mac
Virtual MachineA program that lets you install another computer OS on your computer
VMware FusionA Virtual Machine program for Mac & Windows computers that will allow you to run a virtual version of Windows on a PC or a Mac
VPNVirtual Private Network
WAWF Wide Area Work Flow
WHSWhite House Staff
WikiA website developed collaboratively by a community of users, allowing any user to add and edit content
Windows 3.xMicrosoft's Operating System (between Windows 2 & Windows 95)
Windows 7Microsoft's Operating System (between Vista and Windows 8)
Windows 8Microsoft's Operating System (between Windows 7 and Windows 10)
Windows 10Microsoft's Operating System (after Windows 8.1)
Windows 95Microsoft's Operating System (between Windows 3.11 and Windows 98)
Windows 98Microsoft's Operating System (between Windows 95 and Windows Millennium)
WOACWarrant Officer Advanced Course
WOBCWarrant Officer Basic Course
.XFDLExtensible Forms Description Language (used with Lotus Forms)
XPMicrosoft Windows Operating System (between Windows 98 and Vista)
YosemiteApple Mac Operating system version 10.10.x

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y

If a particular ACRONYM [used in the website] is not listed on this page, please feel free to contact me to have it added.
If you have questions or suggestions for this site, contact Michael J. Danberry

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Last Update or Review: Sunday, 06 September 2020 20:53 hrs

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